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Wednesday 8 February 2017

Oberon (Uranus' Moon) - (Important Facts) {Part-47}

ALTHOUGH ONLY THE SECOND LARGEST, Oberon is the most massive and outermost moon of Uranus.

Oberon- Shubham Singh (Universe)
Like Uranus' other moons, Oberon is composed of equal quantities of ice and rock and is likely to have a defined core, with the possibility of a layer of liquid water surrounding it, if the water contains sufficient quantities of ammonia to stop it freezing.

Facts of Oberon- Shubham Singh (Universe)
Facts of Oberon
The reddest of the Uranian moons, Oberon also has the highest number of impact craters, indicating that its surface is the oldest. It also features large cracks, the result of expansion while its core was cooling.

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